So yeah, Otaku Public Library has been silent as a tomb for a few months now.
As you readers may remember (all 3 of you), the last post here was about me nearly getting laid off. I wasn't, thankfully, but it seriously harshed my mellow. In addition to that, I can finally admit that I've been on a pretty serious job hunt that basically eat my brain; it's hard to concentrate on making spurious and ham-fisted Kurosawa references in regards to Durarara! when you have to crank out cover letters and bone up on a random library's mission statement for a phone interview the next day. Somebody call the "wah-mbulence", right?
Thankfully, these are no longer issues - as of October 11th, I will be starting at the Austin Public Library (in beautiful Austin, Texas) as their Youth Services Division Manager. Austin Public Library is the home of the very, very awesome Yomicon and I'm looking forward to working with some total otaku staff and kids.
I'm still in shock that I'm gonna be working such an awesome job in such an awesome town, but once that wears off I plan to bring Otaku Public Library back from the dead. Keep watching this space.....