So I ended up watching the whole DearS series (all 13 episodes), and actually started to like it….. some of it, at least. A new DearS, the uptight and intellectual Miu, enters the series and provides a nice contrast to Ren’s spacey submissiveness, along with Nia, a weird and klutzy DearS catgirl that provides a fair share of comic relief. It’s reveled that Neneko has been harboring a long-standing crush on Takeya, and Takeya’s antipathy to Ren gets more and more exaggerated, providing an increasingly painful conflict - a lot of the sympathy that Takeya’s situation initially inspired began to ebb away as he gets increasingly hotheaded and dismissive toward Ren, even as he simultaneously develops feelings toward her.
Still, there’s way, way more fanservice than I’m comfortable with, and Ms Mitsuka (the characters’ high school teacher) is little more than a one-dimensional nymphomaniac gag that gets old fast. The plot’s pacing is a little off at time, and the series’ climax is dependent on twists that happen in the last few episodes and characters that are barely referenced through most of the series; as usual, this may been better hashed out in the manga that the series is based on.
In any event, I even began to feel a little sad when the end credits flickered on my TV…so I guess the series affected me more than I thought it would (I’m a pretty big softy, though). I still think there are better Anime comedies, but DearS definitely outdid my initial expectations.
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