Yo yo yo anidorks what’s up? Been a long time since I rapped at ya. I 've been slacking this blog for a while but that doesn’t mean I’ve been slacking on the manga and anime.

A month or two ago, I found myself getting increasing frustrated with fansubbed episodes. Not that the subbing was bad or that I, god forbid, felt guilty about it; it was just that my dang 5 year old slow-ass Dell hunk-of-crap PC was having trouble with VLC Player and Windows Home Cinema. Episodes were either freezing (VLC) or the audio was out of sync with the sub (Windows) and I was starting to get a little batty. So, I ended up going on Crunchyroll.com cause I had heard a lot about it....and lo and behold, I was pretty impressed.
Now, I do think most of the stuff on Crunchyroll is a little more middle of the road than I like (Shugo Chara? Eyeshield 21? Zzzzzzz); still, a website with free streaming episodes that has both brand new episodes of Naruto: Shippuden and Gintama along with minimally invasive advertising is a great step forward for watching anime. It’s quick, it’s easy, it’s affordable, and you’re not stuck in that moral limbo of fan-subs. Also, if you’re one of those total J-culture freaks, there are loads of Korean dramas to view too.
I ended up watching the first 40 or so episodes of Naruto: Shippuden over the course of a month…and naturally burned myself out on N:S (Christ, how long is it gonna take to “rescue” that sullen jackass Sasuke?). That having been said, once I’m done with Bakemonogatari (see below), I’m probably gonna get back on Crunchyroll to check out Linebarrels of Iron and Code Geauss, both of which I’ve heard good things about.
Anyway, once I got sick of Naruto and his orange jumpsuit, I ended up back to fansubs – the simple remedy of downloading the latest Window Home Cinema put everything right. Thus, Bakemonogatari….

Bakemonogatari is a struggle because it’s so unique but so familiar at the same time; it’s a weird and idiosyncratic cross between a ghost-hunt series (good natured ex-vampire Araragi keeps encountering strange, creepy spirits..), a harem series (…spirits that seem to be affecting the lives of a series of his comely female schoolmates and friends), and an artistic exercise that’s both eerie and full of otaku in-jokes.
With the exception of
Mononoke, I’m at a loss to think of a series that’s as visually engaging; the inventive use of color, shading, perspective, camera angles, and editing are unlike any current series that I've seen. It turns a number of anime clichés on their head; and despite it being full of creepy occult allusions, the characters treat the supernatural in an insanely casual way – a wandering ghost or a curse is treated in the same annoyed and relaxed way that a case of dandruff would be.
The usual character clichés one finds in your typical anime are also warped into something unique. The character of Senjougahara is a perfect example – despite appearing to be the archetypal
tsundere in the first few episodes, she warms to Araragi while still retaining her cool, stately demeanor the whole series. She'll aggressively flirt with Araragi at times....but it's clear she’s in control and a force to be reckoned with, almost like a film noir femme fatale. In a way, the banter between her and Araragi almost reminded me of the pseudo-noir film
Brick (i.e. darkly humorous dialog batted around by teens talking like cynical and stylish adults).
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei,
Bakemonogatari is very, very Japanese – at times, the dialog is so casual and the action and plot so nuanced that some viewers are bound be turned off; I love dialog-heavy series so I was perfectly fine with it, but do be aware there’s very little “action” in the traditional sense. Also, I found elements of the “snail” plot (involving a flirtatious grade school girl) to be in bad taste; I dig harem anime as much as the next dork but I’m getting increasingly tired of these “young girl, get out of my life” characters – and it’s particularly glaring when
Bakemonogatari has three excellent and strong female characters (the afore mentioned Senjougahara, the primly charming class president Hanekawa, and the spazzy but likeable Kanbara).
That being said,
Bakemonogatari is a unique and boundary-pushing series that deserves a look. Hopefully, some clever company and license it here in the US; it’s got a huge fan base in Japan, so that should work in its favor.

Lastly, I want to mention a great blood n’ guts
chanbara series
Shiguri (aka Death Frenzy). On the orders of deviant Tokogawa noble, two crippled swordsmen square off for a death match. The action suddenly flashes back to their mutual past as brothers in arms/rivals at the rough and tumble Kogan dojo – both Ikuro and Fujiki are skillful enough to take over the dojo’s leadership, but it’s Ikuro’s charm and extraordinary talent that win him the favor of the dojo’s powerful yet insane master, Iwamoto. The haughty Ikuro begins to lord this over the forthright Fujiki, but when Iwamoto finds out that Ikuro has been dallying with his mistress Iku, he blinds Ikuro and kicks him out of the dojo. Before long, the various students of the dojo begin getting killed by a mysterious swordsman….one that can only be Ikuro, bent on revenge.
Very bloody, very explicit, and very, very dark (both visually and thematically),
Shiguri is still a blast to watch – I gladly put up with the spurting blood and entrails despite my low gore tolerance because the story was enthralling and well-paced, and the animation was top-notch and realistic (a bit too realistic at times!). A great choice for fans of
Lady Snowblood /
Vagabond , or folks (OK, dudes) who like their samurai action on the hardcore, non-Rouroni Kenshin side, this is an ideal DVD to put on when your macho non-otaku friends start claiming that anime is for little girls. Kudos to FUNamation for licensing this in the USA.