Thursday, June 3, 2010

So, you eagle-eyed readers may have noticed that I really haven’t been too good with the updates for the last 6 months or so now.

To be honest, the latest anime season has pretty much sucked hard and I’m not gonna waste my time reviewing trite moe or softcore porn (i.e. K-ON!, B Gata H Kei, Seikon No Qwaser….eech); and aside from the awesome, awesome Vagabond, I haven’t really read a whole lotta manga that’s been worth more than a cursory flip-through.

Just like seemingly every other aspect of life, the dreary economy seems to be taking it’s toll on anime and manga; folks are less willing to take risks in producing or buying stuff, so I expect we’re gonna be seeing a lot more dull shonen and sugary moe escapism for the next couple of years.

More importantly (for me, at least), the turgid economy has resulted in some pretty severe cuts to this country’s public library service – budgets are being slashed, branches are closing, and lots of librarians are getting laid off.

I’m sorry to say that I’m one of them.

So for the foreseeable future, Otaku Public Library is gonna be on hiatus; I have to focus on trying to save my job (or find another one), and back-burner this whole graphic novel/animation thing. If you’re in the NYC area and value the services that the public library provides, please sign this petition:

“If the good Lord’s willin’ and th’ crick don’ rise” (as my Kentucky gran'ma used to say), I’ll be back again posting before too long.